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Turkish language

Turkish is an Ural-Altaic language, therefore it's very different from English or Latin and other Indo-European languages. There are 29 letters in the Turkish alphabet; 8 vowels and 21 consonants. The letters Q, W and X do not exist in Turkish, but there are others.

Turkish grammar is a little bit complex and it doesn't have prefixes but only suffixes. The complexity of the language and its total difference from European languages troubles the pronounciation of the Turkish words for a foreigner who's mother tongue has no connections with this language family. Therefore it's always adviced to hire a professional local guide for your cultural or business trips in Turkey.


Merhaba/selam Hello/hi
Tesekkür ederim/sagol Thank you
Hosgeldiniz Welcome
Günaydin Good morning
Lütfen Please
Evet/tamam Yes/OK
Hayir/olmaz No
Çay/Kahve Tea/Coffee
Su Water
Ekmek Bread
Bay/bey/erkek Man/gentleman
Bayan/kadin/hanim Woman/lady
Araba/otomobil Car/vehicle
Otobüs/Minibüs Public bus/Minibus
Dolmus Public taxis (takes 4-8 people)
Taksi Taxi
Vapur/gemi Boat/ship
Uçak Airplane
Havaalani/havalimani Airport
Iç hatlar/Dis hatlar Domestic/International flights
Telefon/Faks Phone/Fax
Banka/Sube Bank/Branch
Para Money
Hamam Turkish bath
Çarsi/Pazar Mall/bazaar
Saat Hour/time
Polis/Jandarma Police/Jandarm (a division of the army)
Otogar Bus station
Hastane/Acil Hospital/Emergency
Sehir merkezi City center
Giris/Çikis Entrance/Exit
Dur Stop
Soguk/Sicak Cold/Hot
Kar/Yagmur Snow/Rain

Numbers: bir (1), iki (2), üç (3), dört (4), bes (5), alti (6), yedi (7), sekiz (8), dokuz (9), on (10), onbir (11), oniki (12), yirmi (20), yirmiiki (22), otuz (30), otuzalti (36), kirk (40), elli (50), altmis (60), yetmis (70), seksen (80), doksan (90), yüz (100), yüzyedi (107), ikiyüzkirkiki (242), üçyüz (300), bin (1000), ikibinyedi (2007), milyon (million), milyar (billion).

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