Offically licensed tour guides in Turkey
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Turkish is an Ural-Altaic language, therefore it's very different from English or Latin and other Indo-European languages. There are 29 letters in the Turkish alphabet; 8 vowels and 21 consonants. The letters Q, W and X do not exist in Turkish, but there are others.
Turkish grammar is a little bit complex and it doesn't have prefixes but only suffixes. The complexity of the language and its total difference from European languages troubles the pronounciation of the Turkish words for a foreigner who's mother tongue has no connections with this language family. Therefore it's always adviced to hire a professional local guide for your cultural or business trips in Turkey.
Merhaba/selam | Hello/hi |
Tesekkür ederim/sagol | Thank you |
Hosgeldiniz | Welcome |
Günaydin | Good morning |
Lütfen | Please |
Evet/tamam | Yes/OK |
Hayir/olmaz | No |
Çay/Kahve | Tea/Coffee |
Su | Water |
Ekmek | Bread |
Bay/bey/erkek | Man/gentleman |
Bayan/kadin/hanim | Woman/lady |
Araba/otomobil | Car/vehicle |
Otobüs/Minibüs | Public bus/Minibus |
Dolmus | Public taxis (takes 4-8 people) |
Taksi | Taxi |
Vapur/gemi | Boat/ship |
Uçak | Airplane |
Havaalani/havalimani | Airport |
Iç hatlar/Dis hatlar | Domestic/International flights |
Telefon/Faks | Phone/Fax |
Banka/Sube | Bank/Branch |
Para | Money |
Hamam | Turkish bath |
Çarsi/Pazar | Mall/bazaar |
Saat | Hour/time |
Polis/Jandarma | Police/Jandarm (a division of the army) |
Otogar | Bus station |
Hastane/Acil | Hospital/Emergency |
Sehir merkezi | City center |
Giris/Çikis | Entrance/Exit |
Dur | Stop |
Soguk/Sicak | Cold/Hot |
Kar/Yagmur | Snow/Rain |
Numbers: bir (1), iki (2), üç (3), dört (4), bes (5), alti (6), yedi (7), sekiz (8), dokuz (9), on (10), onbir (11), oniki (12), yirmi (20), yirmiiki (22), otuz (30), otuzalti (36), kirk (40), elli (50), altmis (60), yetmis (70), seksen (80), doksan (90), yüz (100), yüzyedi (107), ikiyüzkirkiki (242), üçyüz (300), bin (1000), ikibinyedi (2007), milyon (million), milyar (billion).